Wednesday, February 25, 2009

10 things about France

Je deteste:

1. No real Mexican food

2. All stores are closed on Sunday

3. These assholes, coupled with shitty club music

4. Their stereotypes of Americans, which includes but is not limited our undying love of ketchup.

5. When you try and speak French and they respond in English to be superior, but their English is worse than your French.


1. Baguettes, especially with jambon et fromage

2. Everybody smokes

3. Nutella


5. Cafès

And titties



Anonymous said...

Fuck it, going to Uganda.

nahoc said...

i think those backstreet boy/flock of seagul/ looking motherfuckers should each be maimed with a rusty, dull knife and fed alive to a gang of hungry swine.

Anonymous said...

Fuck it.

RAHB said...

i love this, loling in the EMU