Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday the 23rd

I'm eating a Chocolate Almond Fudge Clif Bar and a box of saltines and I don't know where this is going. Obama says the economy is screwed until 2013 so that means we have to re-elect the motha until he gets gets it right. I don't think we should occupy Afghanistan I think all of them should come over and kick it with us in good ol' America. That way we can actually observe each other's cultures to smooth out any childish misconceptions we may have; after the turmoil we can all live peacefully in North American and then use Afghanistan to test our nuclear weapons. But this thinking is far too radical for our time. My economic relief would be Zapp & Roger, riding my bicycle on rainy days, and the Bible. What's in your stimulus plan?

This is Sean Tai, asian reporter, signing out.


Monty said...

Obama is a jew.

Nick said...

My stimulus plan would involve hella blow

billy said...

legalize weed, and tax it.