Wednesday, February 18, 2009

An open e-mail from Billy Smartt Fwd: Today! African American Leadership Symposium

Below is an e-mail forwarded to me by Billy Smartt.

The subject as you can see is about African American leadership or some garbage.

The ridiculous thing about this shit, is how blatantly racist it is. Like imagine if that e-mail's subject was "Today! White American Leadership Symposium"

I saw a sign that advertised the "Black Student Union" at COM, and I immediately thought "is it cool if I just throw up a sign that says 'White Student Union'?"

I mean what the fuck.

I think I might do it.

The e-mail:
Thought you might be interested...

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "USFconnect Message" <>
Date: February 18, 2009 11:51:39 AM PST
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Today! African American Leadership Symposium

Today is the second day of the Magis Leadership Symposium: African American Perspectives. Please join University Life and Athletics for this vibrant discussion about leadership.

During Black History Month and Homecoming Week, this symposium uniquely combines education, leadership and athletics from an African American perspective. This event brings together members of the Bay area black community, USF African American alumni, and current students, faculty and staff to discuss pathways to education and tools for academic success.

- Monty


billy said...

Next week: White brotherhood leadership symposium.

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow: An Evening with Billy Smartt "Why Black Men are Trying to be White and Why You Should Hide Your Wallet in Your Front Pocket"