People always come up to me asking me what they should do with their time. I often say you should find the time to think about what you might do with your time if you had any.
None of us really have any time. Trevor Storey is a textbook example of how little time most of us do not have. He's constantly busy.
The promotion of Elmo Live has actually been giving Trevor a few gray hairs.
I have been especially not busy this past few months. Between watching TV and going to the bathroom I find myself at a loss for anything quite as productive to occupy myself with.
Customizing my Bookmarks Toolbar in Firefox has given me cause to restructure my weekly schedule. It almost pushed my meeting with president-elect Robert Belmont back a few days but luckily I completed my conception early enough to make my flight.
The meeting went well. Until he asked me what he should do with all this time his secretary had freed up for him to theoretically relax for the next week.
"Run," I said.
The misinterpretation had become clear to me as the word rolled off my tongue.
Robert took the comment as a stab at him. He thought I meant that he should run for office, as if I had not found out that he had secured the presidential nomination already. I believe he also took it as a stab at his recent escape attempt from custody where he supposedly regurgitated on a police officer and tried to blind a man with I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray.
The Wall Street Journal pointed out that Robert would have had a better chance of escaping the unlocked cop car if he had just gotten out and run away rather than walking over to the group of police men and attempting what he had.
I am not one to explain my words, I don't feel they should be questioned. Unfortunately that meant our lunch ended there.
Which brings me to the fact that I clearly lack the insight as to how one should spend their time wisely.
So please stop asking.

once in four months? you got me beat by one.
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