This has been a busy year for The Philistine. We were born and almost died as Trevor put us all to shame with his thoughts about relationships. Billy finished another semester at Harvard and is now spending his days either preparing for next semester or driving around in cricles in an attempt to take advantage of the low price of gasoline. Beni is moving on with his wide range of studies including microbiology, astrophysics, quantum mechanics, psychobiology and of course chemical engineering. Little Beni is still enjoying fly fishing, racing his mclaren F1 that he got last Christmas and has now added slack lining and caddying to his list of pleasures. Robert and I are now experienced empty nesters. Even though we are both still working hard, Robert is currently holding a full time position in the oval office as well as bussing tables at Denny's, we manage to fit in lots of adventures. Trying out as many Eugene restaurants as time and our waistlines permit has become a frequent activity. We also had fun skiing the French Alps in February, just got back from a fabulous trip to the moon and spent the summer in Dubai at its new refrigerated beach. We were underwhelmed by Dubai because our lives are much more extravagant and interesting when compared to the modesty to that of such a primitive environment but we both did our best to lower our standards. With hopes for stability and peace in the New Year, our family wishes yours a less fancy 2009 than ours.
Wishing you and your loved ones a very financially unstable Holiday Season.
Robert, Montague, Benjamin, William and Trevor
For Christmas I want:
- Bass Pro Shops Gift Certificate
- Trevor to stop posting
just kidding Trevor we love your posts
For christmas I want:
- Christmas to die forever.
- Trevor to post more.
Merry Christmas from the white house
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