You would think one of our humanly traits we would inherit from billions of years of existence would be the ability to use reason to answer questions for ourselves, analyze situations, and plain and simple not annoy each other. This is not the case. For example we see moronic drivers on the freeway cutting off each other in two ton metal vehicles going 80 miles per hour, and brushing it off with a kind wave of their hand and mouthing, "Sorry!." In fact a split second difference in the drivers lane change could have caused four deaths, a 54 car pile up, and a shitload of paper work for our police force. We are surrounded by these people who make rash judgments, and false assumptions of the area around themselves. Now don't get me wrong, I have
definitely cutoff my share of drivers, and made horrid judgments.
What really gets me is when people ask how to spell words, interrupting teachers, or whomever. "How do you spell that?" I cringe. Let's use our reasoning skills that the Neanderthals fought to increase their brain size for. A-m-m-e-n-d-m-e-n-t, the
m's drag on, and the -
ment, is a common ending for a lot of English words.
I'm going to end this rant by completely refuting what I just wrote about. If you know me I am a very unreasonable person. I once drove to Portland (2 hours away) at 12 am, blacked out, because I thought it would be "fun," and then drove home, because I was "over it." My alter ego Ricky has no sense reason, but I completely blame that on him, and as I finish this third glass of Wild Turkey I'll see you in about 30 minutes in this infamous world of no reason.
That's funny, and true.
You forgot about that whole "one-gram-line-of-blow" you accidentally insufflated.
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