Clearly Riceland is not going to produce beans. Riceland has a comparative advantage in producing rice which in one hour it can produce 1000lbs of rice. While Beanland has a comparative advantage in producing beans of which they can produce 100lbs in one hour.
Riceland's bean production capacity is not great, it can only produce about 10lbs in one hour. Beanland coincidentally cannot produce rice at a very high rate either, about 100lbs in one hour.
Therefore if both Riceland and Beanland decide to engage in free trade then both will benefit. Riceland can produce all of its rice and more while trading for beans. Beanland can do the same with their beans.
Both nations are better off.
But what if a nation is bad at producing everything?
Usually they can still engage in free trade, their labor is cheaper than that of places like Riceland and Beanland who have a comparative advantage therefore they can sell their goods for less.
The rest of the world benefits from lower prices.
Consequently inexpensive labor usually means higher employment. Which is due to the fact that these places that have little to no skilled labor usually sift out the bad eggs from the good, and there are plenty of unskilled eggs out there who flock to areas like this.
I happen to live in a city that is bad at producing everything.
Eugene, Oregon is a place full of bums (unskilled eggs). These men and women, who lack a warm place to sleep and mostly lack the sanity and/or skills to find a job to acquire an insulated environment for nightly dormant rest, are all over the place.
Most of them are also quite fond of crack.
This puts large holes in their pockets. Most of them meander not really bothering anyone but some see themselves as possessing a skill in taking things to support themselves.
This morning I was on my way to school. When I walked into the garage I noticed something immediately that I thought was odd. There was a pile of broken glass next to my driver's side window.
Then of course I notice that the window was shattered.
The only thing that was taken from my car was my 160gb iPod that I paid $395 for last year and is as of now discontinued.
I also spent something like 9,347 hours putting 18,043 songs on this device.
This included tagging music, converting tons of it from flac and copying to no end.
But the worst thing about this theft was the way in which the intruder attempted to access my car.
Upon closer examination I noticed that around the broken window was three little dents.
It appeared that the thief had missed the window three times before achieving the desired blow that shattered it.
What kind of autistic retard can't land a solid blow when breaking a window that is 37" in width?
This troubled me, because I don't appreciate being robbed, but this person seems to lack the skill needed to break a window without denting the surrounding metal.
Eugene's labor market, even in unlawful removal of electronics from locked motor vehicles, still is worse than all other competing labor markets.
It is my contention that Eugene should outsource for all its criminal elements and resolve at least one aspect of its deteriorating economy.

Edit: I'd like to thank Beni for offering his economic insight to help me clean up my logic in this article.
That is complete bullshit man. Someone broke into my dad's car too with a fucking screwdriver.
There's really no economic justification, even. Low wages should mean more employment.... which just means that the ones who aren't employed are so fucking worthless their work doesn't even justify minimum wage. Obviously, the inaccurate retard we are dealing with is one of those. I wish we could just send them off, or johnothan swift it up and use them as a food source. Now we're talking efficiency!
Were you just parked on the street? Sketches me out cuz we have random bums all around my neighborhood too....
No I was in my garage, but they had sent out notices that theft had been happening more frequently.
So I really should have not been leaving any valuables in my car. But shit...
I know if you live in Mumbai you can't complain if you get killed by a terrorist but this is the U.S.A.
That sucks, you'd think that if they've had increased theft in the garage they'd get some kind of patrol going to curb it, rather than just postin "watch your back, thieves are rollin' through on the regular".
Yeah, they have patrol too. Just not at the times people get jacked. Fucking bullshit.
I think I'm going to move back to Eugene and pump gas to support myself for the rest of my life.
And rob fools.
Word, I'll stick around then.
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