Monday, January 12, 2009

The Finest

How do we define who is superior in society? Musical talents? Acting talents? Artistic talents? Whatever it is, there is a percentage of the human population that is considered above the rest, even thought their genetic makeup is the same as everyone else.

Maybe Kanye West can make a hit song that gets everyone's spine tingling, but why? Couldn't Joe Schmo have made it? We put these musical figures on pedestals that allow them to produce cookie cutter "originals," that we eat up like food. We have gotten ourselves stuck in this muck of music that is all the same. Hip Hop has become an electronic genre that I feel has lost its dignity.

Now my qualm with actors and actresses is this whole "From the guys who brought you Knocked Up," when it probably the only people related are the producers of the movie. Hollywood just wants movie-goers to eat up these so called replications of box office hits. We should not base the quality of movies on the work of directors, actors, and producers in the past.

Artists have kept their own. The development of new wave approaches to photography, sculptures, and painting has blown my mind. I saw an exhibit at the San Francisco MOMA, that offered free portraits to the visitors. The idea was to hang over 100 close up, black and white portraits of the visitors on a huge wall, a right step in the direction of art.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fuck Judd Apatow.

From the guys who brought you ROB, coming soon: RICKY