I just sent Billy a link to the blog and extended an invitation to contribute.
I am expecting little to no enthusiasm.
Transcript of our conversation:
(18:34:33) monty: check out the new blog
(18:34:35) monty:
http://monty-thephilistine.blogspot.com/(18:34:44) monty: you should write something for it if you want
(19:49:10) Billy: how do i get in
(19:49:47) Billy: bsmartt13?
(19:50:03) monty: oh
(19:50:05) Billy: im logged in to blogger and i dont see any pending requests or anything
(19:50:26) monty: well I don't know if you can I've just had trevor send me the text of what he wants to post and then I post it
(19:50:28) monty: but lemme see
(19:50:43) Billy: oh
(19:51:39) Billy: i thought : extended an invitation to contribute. was something you literally did on the site or some shit
(19:53:20) Billy: does this shit have to be all appropriate since we're on blogger, are they gonna close our blog if it gets out of hand
(20:00:26) monty: haha I don't know, fuck no
(20:00:33) monty: its literally for any bullshit
(20:00:34) monty: you want
(20:03:39) Billy: yeah i just wanted to make sure
(20:03:50) Billy: that your mom wasnt CCd
(20:04:25) monty: brb
(20:04:40) monty: she does thoufgh
It turned out to be a pretty uninteresting conversation.
(00:47:01) monty: is that what billy said?(00:47:04) monty: or are you asking?(00:47:05) Beni: yeah(00:47:22) Beni: thats what billy said, haha.(00:47:30) Beni: "if it gets out of hand"