So I work at best buy and tomorrow is black Friday. The day when mindless consumers think they are getting deals on last years models of electronics. Literally 1,200 people sit outside of best buy for days to get these "great" deals. The other day at work this moron comes up to me bragging he is always the first in line at our store for black Friday. He proceeded to tell me he camps out at 8 am on thanksgiving day waiting until about 4 in the morning the next day for the store to open. I honestly didn't know what to say; "nice", "congrats", "what is wrong with you?", or plain and simple "Why aren't you spending thanksgiving with your family?" My boss told me people bring generators, tv's, xboxes, heaters, tents, poker tables, refridgerators, etc. This epic deal day brainwashes people into spending money they do not fucking have, creating 6 month financing plans with best buy just so they can have a 2007 or 2008 model samsung 42inch 720p tv. It's plain and simple retarded. I can't tell you how many people I deal with on a day to day basis that need a $250 deposit on a $40 a month cell phone bill, due to their horrid credit. Americans love this one time sale idea, but in the long run we just dig ourselves into hole that we cannot get out of.
posted from my iphone standing out in the cold waiting for best buy to open atm.
OK FINE I lied.
Go go non-corporate retail. Just had a slightly busier day.
I officially deem this the first serious and relavent post to grace the philistine.
Fuck black Friday.
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